Welcome to my online home. Around here we love historical fiction, book talk and booktoks, learning about publishing, sharing advice and critiques…. and also plants. Lots and lots of plants.
About Sarah Andrews

I’ve just finished my first novel and am beginning to query literary agents. Fingers crossed! I would love to tell you more about that, but since I can’t just yet here is a little bio….
Writing is an art, but publishing is a business
For so long I was just aiming to FINISH my novel. I could only see as far as ‘the end’, and oftentimes even that seemed impossible. I thought that even mentioning the word ‘publish’ would jinx me. Only after finishing the draft (and a second and third draft after that) have I begun to dip …
Continue reading “Writing is an art, but publishing is a business”
Does this count as writing?
There is so much about writing a book that doesn’t involve writing at all. At the front end of it there’s the dreaming, the planning, the researching, the READING…. and more reading. In the middle there is an awful lot of second-guessing and scratching out. And now that I have actually managed to write an …
Hello. Hola.
Thanks for stopping by my website. I actually can’t talk much about the real reason for this site — to share about my novel! Fingers crossed that soon I’ll be able to tell you more about the book, its characters and the history that inspired it, but in the meantime I hope that this will …
Reach me at sarah@sarahandrews.com